

Photography by Busath

Since you’ll be inviting me into your home and life, I thought I’d share a little bit about myself, where I come from, my education and work experience.

As a mom flying solo, I’ve had to work hard to organize, create efficient systems, and handle hard jobs when there was no one else to pass them on to.  I love to find solutions to problems, and my passion is to create beauty and order in place of chaos and clutter.  I’ve been on my own journey to simplify for six years now, and enjoy following the minimalism movement (Leo Babauta, Joshua Becker, Marie Kondo, tiny houses, etc).

I grew up in Louisiana and graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a degree in Music performance and a minor in Child development.  I’ve worked as a professional musician, a pharmacy technician, a nanny, and as Assistant Orchestra Personnel Manager of the Utah Symphony.  Each of these jobs required organizing and attention to detail, and I’ve finally realized that the passion I’ve had all along is a trade in and of itself.

I’m excited to be a part of the active and supportive professional organizers community here in Salt Lake City as a member of Utah Professional Organizers.  I have studied Marla Dee’s Clear & SIMPLE™ method (certificate of completion for the Level 1 Training), KonMari’s approach, and stay current on literature about organizing and minimalism.